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Fund Type
Select your investment target by setting the criteria as below:
Fund Universe

Fund Universe

Please select one of the fund universes in the list.

Fund Company

Fund Company

Please select one of the fund companies in the list.

Asset Class

Asset Class

Please select one of the asset classes in the list.

Fund Category

Fund Category

Fund Category helps you make more meaningful and in-depth comparisons between funds. Please select one of the categories in the list based on your own risk appetite and investment preferences.



Please select one of the currencies in the list.

Enter name or code
Dividend Payout Option
All Inc Acc

Dividend Payout Option

Please select the dividend payout option. You may select All or between Income (where dividends are distributed to fund holders) and Accumulation (where dividend are not distributed but re-invested into the fund).

Fund Performance & Risk
Morningstar Rating™
Morningstar Analyst Rating™

Morningstar Rating™

5 stars is the highest rating and 1 star is the lowest in comparison with peer funds. Ratings are objective, based entirely on a mathematical evaluation of past performance. They are a useful tool for identifying funds worthy of further research, but shouldn't be considered as buy or sell recommendations.

Return %
1 Year>
3 Years>
5 Years>
10 Years>

Return %

Return% screens can be used to find funds whose returns surpassed their category average or a specific value.

Fund Portfolio
Morningstar Style Box™
Fixed Income

Morningstar Style Box™

Morningstar Style Box is a proprietary Morningstar data point. For stock funds, please select a style box based on size (the vertical axis)) and style (the horizontal axis); for fixed income funds, please select a style box based credit quality (the vertical axis) and interest rates sensitivity (the horizontal axis).

Disclaimer and Important Notes:

  • Wealth Management Products are not deposits and have investment risks, and customers should be cautious in making any investment.
  • The relevant information and data displayed in the pages are for reference only and are those of the offshore funds, invested by QDII product-overseas fund series issued by DBS China, as well as of the onshore funds distributed by DBS China (as the case may be). Unless otherwise specified, all content in the webpages is provided by Morningstar Shenzhen Ltd (“Morningstar”), and it is possible to be modified without any notice. Some information provided by Morningstar to the pages may differ from the original data due to technical or operational reasons. DBS Bank (China) Limited (“DBS China”) has not verified, monitored or endorsed any content on any page and will not give any guarantee or warranty of whatsoever nature in respect of the correctness, completeness, or timeliness of any content on any page.
  • Nothing on this page shall constitute an offer or invitation or solicitation to subscribe any product or fund or to enter into any transaction. The content on this page does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific person and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for accounting, legal or tax advice, or investment recommendations and is not to be taken in substitution for the exercise of judgment by the reader, who should obtain separate legal or financial advice. DBS China does not act as an adviser or assume any fiduciary responsibility or liability for any consequences financial or otherwise.
  • Investment involves risks and the risk of loss from investment can be substantial. Opinions and estimates are subject to change without notice. Any past performance, projection, forecast or simulation of results is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of any investment. Before entering into any transaction or making a commitment to purchase any product mentioned on this page, the reader should take steps to ensure that the reader understands the transaction and has made an independent assessment of the appropriateness of the transaction in the light of the reader’s own objectives and circumstances. In particular, the reader should read all relevant documentation pertaining to the product (including but not limited to product offering documents, term sheets, prospectuses or other similar or equivalent offer or issue documents, as the case may be) and may wish to seek advice from a financial or other professional adviser or make such independent investigations as the reader considers necessary or appropriate for such purposes. If the reader chooses not to do so, the reader should consider carefully whether any product mentioned in the webpages is suitable for him. DBS China shall not assume any liability for any loss or damage (whether direct or indirect) of any person arising out of or in connection with any error, omission, delay and/or reliance on any content of any page.