Knowledge List
 集腋成裘 专家理财 31/07/2007
 基金有几种类型 31/07/2007
 澄清认识误区 31/07/2007
 什么是指数型基金 31/07/2007
 什么是债券型基金 31/07/2007
 什么是交易所交易基金 31/07/2007
 什么是保本基金 31/07/2007
 什么是“基金的基金” 31/07/2007
 什么是基金的单位净值 01/08/2007
 基金净值与股票价格的区别 01/08/2007
 何为基金的资产净值 01/08/2007
 单位基金资产净值 01/08/2007
 关于基金分红 01/08/2007
 基金的回报率计算公式 01/08/2007
 概述 02/08/2007
 基金过往的表现如何 02/08/2007
 基金过往的风险有多高 02/08/2007
 基金投资于什么范围 02/08/2007
 基金由谁管理 02/08/2007
 购买基金的成本是多少 02/08/2007
 概述 02/08/2007
 影响风险的要素 02/08/2007
 你能承受多大的短期波动 02/08/2007
 标准差 02/08/2007
 β系数 02/08/2007
 R平方 02/08/2007
 概述 02/08/2007
 绝对指标作业绩基准 02/08/2007
 指数作业绩基准 02/08/2007
 同类基金作业绩基准 02/08/2007
 基金的管理方式 02/08/2007
 受基金经理变更影响较小的基金类型 02/08/2007
 概述 02/08/2007
 一次性费用 02/08/2007
 年度运作费用 02/08/2007
 其它费用 02/08/2007
 简介 02/08/2007
 基金经理是否有基金管理的经验 02/08/2007
 基金公司旗下其它基金的业绩如何 02/08/2007
 基金经理的投资理念是否与投资组合吻合 02/08/2007
 基金的费用是多少 02/08/2007
 基金公司是否注重投资人利益 02/08/2007
 确定投资目标 02/08/2007
 制定核心组合 02/08/2007
 非核心组合的基金 02/08/2007
 基金数目并不重要 02/08/2007
 没有确定的投资目标 02/08/2007
 没有核心组合 02/08/2007
 非核心投资过多 02/08/2007
 组合“失衡” 02/08/2007
 基金数目太多 02/08/2007
 同类基金选择失当 02/08/2007
 费用水平过高 06/08/2007
 没有确定卖出的标准 02/08/2007
 概述 02/08/2007
 确认目前组合的资产配置情况与你的投资目标相符 02/08/2007
 透视您的投资组合 02/08/2007
 检查您具体的投资品种 02/08/2007
 检查投资品种的相对业绩表现 02/08/2007
 不要在短时间内做大幅度的调整 02/08/2007
 注意调整技巧,减少不必要的成本 02/08/2007
 挑选品质不佳的品种卖出 02/08/2007
 精选优质的替代品种 02/08/2007

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  • Wealth Management Products are not deposits and have investment risks, and customers should be cautious in making any investment.
  • Structured Deposit is different from ordinary deposits and has investment risks, and customers should be aware of the investment risk and cautious in making any investment.
  • The relevant information and data displayed in the pages are for reference only and are those of the offshore funds, under Participation Non-Principal Protected Structured Investment Product, invested by QDII product-overseas fund series issued by DBS China, as well as of the onshore funds distributed by DBS China (as the case may be). Unless otherwise specified, all content in the webpages is provided by Morningstar Shenzhen Ltd (“Morningstar”), and it is possible to be modified without any notice. Some information provided by Morningstar to the pages may differ from the original data due to technical or operational reasons. DBS Bank (China) Limited (“DBS China”) has not verified, monitored or endorsed any content on any page and will not give any guarantee or warranty of whatsoever nature in respect of the correctness, completeness, or timeliness of any content on any page.
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